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  • Writer's pictureAlice Heaps

Is this the end of the Netflix era?

You might have noticed that GBM has strayed away from posting reviews from Netflix films/tv shows. Don't get me wrong, I definitely still watch things that are released on there, but I'm beginning to wonder whether it's really worth the money. Is Netflix really still to be considered a 'streaming giant' when so much of its content has been taken off and put on other platforms?

At the time of writing, the top television show on Netflix is the newly released season of The Witcher (which I'm still yet to watch!). In second place is the incredible Black Mirror, which I will always adore, and perhaps is one of the shows that is keeping Netflix alive in this day and age. After that, the top shows are not particularly striking. Catching Killers makes an appearance, which I will admit that I do watch because true crime is what I come to when I'm bored.

In terms of films, the number one at the time of writing is a psychological thriller that I haven't seen, followed by Matilda The Musical. Again, there's not a lot of note. I wonder whether I have skewed my algorithm by watching so much rubbish on Netflix that it longer shows me the good stuff. But honestly, I think there is a growing sentiment online nowadays that Netflix is dying a death.

My dissertation, written in 2020-2021 was all about the BBC is struggling to keep up with Netflix so I find it fascinating that in such a short time I am writing about whether Netflix will be able to keep up with the digital landscape that arguably they created. Without Netflix, there would be no Disney+, Prime Video, Paramount+ etc. so it's fascinating to me that something that changed the course of media and broadcasting forever might also have set up its own demise.

There is also the issue of stagnation to content with for Netflix. The have seen their boom in members already, and arguably are running out of new people to bring into their world (and importantly to pay subscription fees). In 2014, Netflix had ~40 million users. Whereas this year they have almost a whopping 300 million users. That is an obscene number of people who pay Netflix fees to watch their content, which is a huge success for them. But, how long will it take before 1) those customers get bored or realise that other streaming services exist, or 2) they literally run out of new customers at all.

COVID skyrocketed the progress of streaming services online, I think most people with access to a computer or TV will likely have some sort of streaming prescription service. I am very interested to see how the world of streaming changes as the market is less and less monopolised by the giants and more people take care to choose specific services that fit their interests and values. I for one am feeling dissatisfied with Netflix at the moment, and am increasingly considering moving across to a more specific streaming service like Mubi or BFI player. These services suit me because I'm a film nut, and they're pretentious and engaging - perfect for somebody with a film review space online!

The digital landscape that we live in is ever-changing. I look forward to seeing what happens as we move through this period of evening out the playing field for streaming. I hope to keep some tabs on what happens here, and I intend to keep you up to date! As always, I am a huge fan of free streaming services for their commitment to accessibility, and I will continue to share run-downs of the best content on these free services on the blog, but I hope to say more about the potential death of Netflix as we move into the future. Or perhaps it will be reborn and survive - who knows!

Until next time,

Alice xoxo

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